
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Loan Configuration

This module helps you to set the different parameters for loans that will give you various options while dealing with loan transactions.

How to configure Loan Transactions

To configure loans you go to System->Configurations->Loans Configurations and a screen like the one below shows up:


At this point you will get a pop up screen containing two options about the way due dates have to be updated from which to select:
-  Update due dates with.... days which is the difference between application and cheque clearing date.
-  Recalculate due dates based on the disbursement date.
If you press the button Ok, Loan Performer will recalculate or update all due dates according to the option selected. Hence the first option should be selected in case you want to start calculation of due dates from the date of cheque clearing.

Click on the Save button to save the loans settings.

You can click on the Print button to view\print the parameters of the loans configuration and keep them for future reference or click on the Close button to exit the menu.

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